Wednesday 9 January 2019


a heaven on earth un paraíso terrenal He used to call the island “a heaven on earth”.
a hell on earth
un infierno Life there was a hell on earth.
bring someone down to earth/come (back) down to earth (with a bang/bump)
hacer que alguien afronte la dura realidad/volver a la dura realidad The fear of losing her son brought her down to earth.
cost/pay/charge the earth
(British English, informal) costar/pagar/cobrar un dineral We had to pay the earth for the roof repairs. ^ That guy charged me the earth!
disappear/vanish off/from the face of the earth
desaparecer del mapa I can't find John anywhere. He seems to have vanished off the face of the earth!
feel/look like nothing on earth
sentirse/tener una pinta de pena After two sleepless nights, I looked like nothing on earth.
move heaven and earth (to do something)
remover Roma con Santiago (para conseguir algo) She had had to move heaven and earth to get the man's phone number.
nothing on earth
(informal) (por) nada del mundo Nothing on earth will make me do it.
promise somebody the earth/world
(informal) prometerle a alguien el oro y el moro He was warned that a few unsavoury characters would promise the world to obtain work.
the four corners of the earth
los confines de la tierra The match will be beamed by satellite to the four corners of the Earth.
the salt of the earth
la sal de la tierra He was the salt of the earth, a man with a big heart, always there for his family and friends.
the scum of the earth
(informal) escoria Sadly, those people are the scum of the earth.
to the ends of the earth
a los confines de la tierra, al fin del mundo She would go to the ends of the earth with him.
wipe something off the face of the earth
borrar algo de la faz de la tierra That scum should be wiped off the face of the earth.