Wednesday 10 July 2019

Telling someone to do something

action stations (especially British English, informal) zafarrancho de combate, a sus puestos: Action stations! The guests will be arriving any minute. ¡A sus puestos! Los invitados pueden llegar en cualquier momento. ORIGIN: a military command in preparation for battle
all hands to the pump/on deck
todos a arrimar el hombro: My cousins were descending on us for dinner so it was all hands to the pump. Mis primos se nos metían en casa para cenar así que todos tuvimos que arrimar el hombro.
cut to the chase
(especially American English, informal) ir al grano: I don't want to hear that. Just cut to the chase. No quiero que me cuentes eso. Ve al grano. ORIGIN: from changing to a more exciting scene in a film
fish or cut bait
(American English, informal) haz algo de una vez o lárgate: Enough talking! It's time to fish or cut bait. ¡Ya está bien de tanto hablar! Ahora haz algo de una vez o te largas.

This information relieved Mr. Daney greatly. “After all,” he confided to the cuspidor, “it is up to the girl whether we fish or cut bait. But then, what man in his senses can trust a woman to stay put. Females are always making high dives into shoal water, and those tactless McKaye women are going to smear everything up yet. You wait and see.” Kindred of the Dust (1920) by Peter B. Kyne

get/pull your finger out (and get stuck in)
(British English, informal) apretarse los machos, ponerse las pilas: If Jack pulls his finger out, we might get this finished today. Si Jack se pone las pilas, podríamos terminar esto hoy.
get weaving
(British English, informal) ponerse manos a la obra: Let's get weaving! ¡Manos a la obra!
put your money where your mouth is
(informal) predicar con el ejemplo: “He is sad to see his team relegated.” “Well, he didn't put his money where his mouth is when the president asked for more support from the fans.” “Le entristece ver que su equipo ha descendido.” “Pues él no predicó con el ejemplo cuando el presidente pidió más apoyo de la afición.”